How We're Doing

Our performance and accountability dashboard

The health and safety of patients is our top priority, and our team of over 900 professionals are committed to ensuring the delivery of high-quality care across the province. We want to be accountable and transparent to New Brunswickers by sharing information about the services we provide.

The data below reflects the last fiscal year (2022-2023). Feel free to explore and let us know what you think.

Program Information

Patients served
The number of patients receiving home health care services by the Extra-Mural Program


The number of patients admitted to the Extra-Mural Program


The number of patients discharged from the Extra-Mural Program


Patients by Classification







Contractual Key Performance Indicators

The baseline is a starting point that was agreed upon by the government of NB (GNB) and Medavie upon signature of the service agreement. It is from what our performance increase is measured from.

Emergency Department Visits

This indicator measures the ratio and number of EMP patients that are utilizing the Emergency Department (ED). This measure determines if EMP patients are receiving regular and appropriate visits by EMP professionals allowing them to remain at home and prevent unnecessary ED visits.

Patient Experience

Patient Experience measures EMP patient’s overall rating of home health care services, from the patients’ point of view. It reflects all patient experiences of the care provided.

EMP Visits

This measure determines the utilization of EMP professionals to meet the EMP mandate of preventing hospitalization, promoting early discharge from hospital, preventing and delaying institutionalization; and coordination of services in the community.

Referral to Care Time

90th Percentile

90% of patients waited this # of days or less, between their new referral being received and their initial care event.


50% of patients waited this number of days or less, between their new referral being received and their initial care event.

Primary Care Referrals

This indicator measures referrals to EMP from community physicians and nurse practitioners. This measure determines timely access to more appropriate and cost effective community care options thereby avoiding unnecessary emergency department visits or hospital admission. EMP will be the first choice for the medical community before referring patients to emergency department and hospital for care.