Patients Rights & Responsibilities

Because you play an important role in your own care, we encourage you to become familiar with your rights and responsibilities.

Patients' Rights

1.1. You have the right to receive safe, quality health care services.

1.2. You have the right to receive services in the official language of your choice (English or French). If you do not speak one of the official languages or have a hearing impairment, EM/ANB Inc. will make every reasonable effort to provide access to an appropriate interpreter.

1.3. You have the right to privacy and confidentiality, to ask questions about EM/ANB’s information practices, and to express any concerns you may have about them. You may reference our Privacy Notice for more information, including information about your right to access or correct your records.

1.4. You have the right to be told about your health condition, diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis in terms you can understand so that you can make informed decisions about your health.

1.5. You have the right to ask questions, to participate in your care and to know the risks and benefits of medication, treatment, or decisions regarding your health.

1.6. You have the right to refuse any care, services, or treatments suggested to you, including transportation by ambulance or other means.

1.7. You have the right to be treated with respect, courtesy, and to obtain the same care and the same services as any other person, without discrimination, regardless of your individual differences.

1.8. You have the right to make decisions that concern you and are of a personal nature. If you are unable to make decisions regarding your care, a designated person, decision maker, or next of kin may do so on your behalf.

1.9. You have the right to receive timely notification about any delay to or required rescheduling of your appointment, visit, or transport.

1.10. You have the right to be informed of any research or educational activity. None of these will be carried out without your consent, which you may refuse or withdraw at any time, without any effect on the services provided to you.

1.11. You have the right to submit compliments, comments, or complaints about any aspect of your experience via the ANB website, the EMP website, the NBHL website, or by contacting Quality and Patient Safety Representative at 1-833-291-0461.

1.12. You have a right to be notified of patient safety incidents as described in the Health Quality and Patient Safety Act.

1.13. You have a right to provide verbal or written advanced directives and have your decisions and preferences honored by EM/ANB Inc. within accepted legal, ethical, and clinical practices.

Patients' Responsibilities

1.14. You are responsible for your health goals and how you choose to participate in your care plan.

1.15. You are responsible for considering all information provided to you and for asking any questions that you may have in order to make informed decisions about your care.

1.16. You are responsible for your behavior, actions, and their resulting impacts on your health. This includes being responsible if services need to be altered or withdrawn from you if you are not providing a safe and respectful environment for our staff.