New Brunswick Extra-Mural Program (EMP) earns Accreditation Canada’s highest ranking
Accreditation Canada recently conducted an on-site survey of our organization and we were accredited with exemplary standing - the highest level of performance. We are very proud of everyone who works here and their commitment to quality improvement. The on-site survey was an excellent learning experience and highlighted the ways in which we can make our services better.
This is a remarkable accomplishment after only two full years of integrated operation as EM/ANB and is a testament to all our staff and the work we do in our communities.
Peer reviewers from Accreditation Canada visited EM/ANB and EMP sites to share their expertise, evaluate the extent to which we meet national standards of excellence, and make recommendations. The evaluation focused on system wide standards for leadership and governance, as well as service excellence standards that included home care services, infection prevention and control and medication management for community organizations.
About Accreditation Canada:
Accreditation Canada is a not-for-profit organization that works closely with health services organizations to help them develop a sustainable culture of improvement that betters safety and efficiency for patients and families.
For more information on Accreditation Canada, visit their website or read their brochure.